We are an integrated communication agency. Our core business consists of conception, planning, and realization of events.
international character
We are present throughout the national territory as well as abroad. 50% of our turnover is part of a European context and we compete against the best players in the sector by upholding the “made in Italy” standards.
21 Years of Activity
We have created lasting relationships with numerous companies and participated in the growth of many of our customers by establishing a relationship of trust. We are a solid company that allows a safe investment in the sector. Gruppo Peroni Eventi is ISO:9001 certified quality in the organization of events for over 10 years.
Over the years, our work has received many international awards: in 2016 we were winners at the Best Event Award, in 2017 triumphant in the category Evenement Exceptionnel de l’ Heavent Awards Cannes and in 2019 finalists in the international Eventex. The constant growth in turnover has been recognized by the Italian newspaper Sole24Ore through the "Leader in Growth" award attributed to the most dynamic companies in Italy.
To clients originating from the most diverse product sectors we offer: agency services for events in presence or hybrid, public relations, graphic office and sponsorship; furthermore, we guarantee wide visibility through the most traditional means of communication, the most innovative marketing tools and digital strategies. Activities related to the launching of events, conventions and incentive activities have always been the flagship of our products both for Italian and international companies.

We are an integrated communication agency. Our core business consists of conception, planning, and realization of events.
international character

Siamo presenti in tutto il territorio nazionale, ma anche all’estero. Il 50% del nostro fatturato si inserisce in un contesto europeo e gareggiamo contro i migliori player del settore, mantenendo i valori del made in Italy.
21 Years of Activity

We have created lasting relationships with numerous companies and participated in the growth of many of our customers by establishing a relationship of trust. We are a solid company that allows a safe investment in the sector. Gruppo Peroni Eventi is ISO:9001 certified quality in the organization of events for over 10 years.

Il nostro lavoro negli anni ha ricevuto molti riconoscimenti internazionali: siamo stati vincitori al Best Event Award nel 2016, trionfanti nella categoria Evenement Exceptionnel dell’Heavent Awards Cannes 2017 e finalisti con nell’internazionale Eventex 2019. La costante crescita del fatturato è stata riconosciuta dal Sole24Ore attraverso il premio “Leader della crescita” assegnato alle aziende più dinamiche d’Italia.

To clients originating from the most diverse product sectors we offer: agency services for events in presence or hybrid, public relations, graphic office and sponsorship; furthermore, we guarantee wide visibility through the most traditional means of communication, the most innovative marketing tools and digital strategies. Activities related to the launching of events, conventions and incentive activities have always been the flagship of our products both for Italian and international companies.