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LAVAZZA #SinfoniaPerfetta

In occasion of the Festa del Cinema di Roma, Gruppo Peroni Eventi collaborated with Lavazza for the planning and the realisation of three events in Milano, Turin, and Rome.

The events in Milan and Turin involved a sensorial and immersive nature and design tour, in which the sounds and luminous bodies moved at the rhythm of the #SinfoniaPerfetta, a sound design created specifically for the occasion. Turin was furthermore spectacle to various meetings with artists and celebrities.

In occasion of the Festival of Rome, the agency realized an immersive tour composed of plants and beans that were reflected in adorned prisms. An experience enriched by a unique and engaging melody, created for the occasion by sound designer Chiara Luzzana. At the event, it was also possible to try the product.

The agency also organised the brand in the “Press office” and “VIP Lounge”, while the “Salotto Lavazza” hosted meetings open to the public with several guests, such as PIF and Carlo Pastore.




November 2019
